Saturday, June 06, 2009

flee from fornication

weekly bread.

in this final days the lives of many revolves around sex. Paul graphically described such ones as "having come to be past all moral sense.
many have given themselves to loose conduct,to work uncleanness,of every sort of greediness.
Pornography,pre marital sex, abuse of children and homosexuality are common place.
In Noah's days,God sent the great Deluge,and brought an end to that sex crazed world.

We must never lose sight to the fact that these days are truly just as the days of Noah were.
The upcoming great tribulation will clear the earth of fornicators, adulterers,men kept for un natural purposes and men who lie with men.

How urgent it is that we cultivate hatred for what is bad.
And stay clear of circumastances that could lead to immorality.

Scriptures to refer : Mat 24:21, 1cor 6:9,10 Rev 21:8 Psalms 97:10 Ephesians 4:19

Hope you have a good weekend ahead.
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Bon weekend!

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