Remain Close to God, Jehovah.
Please see our photos, puro ako, hahaha.
During the Program, a drama was going on
with my sister, niece and fiance;
Who are we? We are the Witnesses of Jehovah God, the true God, our Creator,the God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, of the Israelites,Father of Jesus.
Jehovah's Witnesses are;
The ones who would knock on your door to offer you free bible studies at your convenient time.
Worldwide, we preach VOLUNTARILY of the good news from the Bible, we attend meetings twice a week, we attend assemblies organised by Bethel, the headquarters of each country. We base the teachings only from the Bible.
Bon. This is another reason, why we were in Paris.
Attendance that day were 1628 baptized Witnesses.
Just only for the English and Tagalog speaking Congregations in France.
Next week Michel and I and Marghie (with Anjo) if his work allows him, we will be in Marseille France, for three days assembly, in French Language.French speaking witnesses for South of France are, composed of 2500++ brothers and sisters.Some are from other countries,visiting or assisting the assembly.
With the world we are leaving now, where injustice and corruption and critical times sometimes hard to deal with, we need our Creator to guide us how to lead our life according to his Laws.We try to conform our life with what the Bible says.
If you happen to spot a mobile stand of a Jehovah's Witness, ask for your copy of the magazines, books, or bible. You can have it for free.And if you want to know your Bible, in 30minutes once a week through a visit of a Jehovah's witness, you will learn and might finish understanding the whole Bible in one year.
Ask. You are welcome.
hi there, this seems like a very interesting convention for your religion. a group of Jehovah's witnesses visited us one time, and what we appreciate is the fact that they are very much available to teach what they know and they dont force anything on you.
I learned that 7 million Witnesses worldwide go door to door every week, includes missionaries, pioneers(preaching 50 to 70 hours a month) ,and your pastors too with their family. no wonder your Church grows.
I wish my religion is as dedicated as yours.keep the good work.
thank you for your messages here. We do not force people to learn the bible principles, but we encourage them to study their own bible with us, for free. Our goal is to give "light" to all mankind thru the words of God, and we welcome everyone, even a five minute discussion a week, no engagement needed.
thank you with all honesty.
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