I went out for "evangelising" again because I dont work today Nov.19 as it is holiday in Monaco, Montecarlo.Here are some of our amusing experience again.
1.I was with a co JW and we had our mobile stand of displayed magasines. Two Arab boys stopped and looked and said: "Can I have this magazine? This is my language." I said," yes, with pleasure." Then he said, "Olahhh, this is arabic but not my language!" So I proposeD another ARABIC magazine, he read it, explaining in french, but still was not convince it is his language.So I said, must be the same with my country, there are lots of languages, hein? He then ask for french language magazine and I gave him:
PORNOGRAPHY, How damaging it is? lol!
He laughed and took it still. Michel and another JW was smiling, because of all the magazines in our display, why that??? I didnt think about it, you see, hehe.
2.An old man stopped, looked at our magazines display, and asked to have a sit. We offered him our place, and he said, "it is tiring to walk now a days. I have to go to an office but I need to recuperate, as my legs hurts..."
We encouraged him to stay with us and discussed a bit. And later we adviced him,if he can, he just follow a beautiful blond to keep him going...
The old man really laugh, LOL
3.A beggar approached us and asked for some coins. He said he wanted to have some coffee to warm him. So a JW brother gave him one euro and the beggar said :"thanks, it can buy him a stick of cigarette!" The JW (brother) took back the coin from the beggar, LOL
The beggar curse us badly, calling us names! The brother still didnt gave back the 1€.
Eh , we dont encourage someone to smoke, you see, so to hear he will buy a stick of cigarette with our coin, hehe, its not possible! ! !
4.A tourist went out from a hotel and asked us :"where he can find a sex shop." Ngek!
Of all tourists spots in Nice, he wanted a sex shop!!! I wanted to tell him the direction (ever helpful me, hehe, as we always passed it by when going home) but Michel told him, sorry Sir, we are not supposed to encourage it... You may ask the information desk of the hotel...
Today, for four hours, we placed one book (family happiness) and 6 magazines for free...I am happy than staying home or go shopping...
to be continued...
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