1. A lady passed by in front of our magazine stand and looked. She left after a few seconds. She dropped her scarf while walking away and Michel called her. She heard him but she didnt look back. Michel called again, Madame, s'il vous plait (if you please) still she didnt bother. When Michel mentioned: your scarf, Madame, she stopped looked back smile apologitically...
2. Michel said Bonjour( hello/good day) to a couple. The husband said: Jehovah's Witness? Noooo! He continued his walk. Michel said: Monsiuer, I just said Hello...
The wife smiled back, get the idea that her husband is impolite.
3. A black lady passed by, look in our display and held the book: what the bible really teaches

We told her, we work for our God Jehovah , so there's no shame in that,and He is your God too. Thats His name.
She continued discussing with us , she said she is a teacher in a university in Nice and she read the Bible (as she is a protestant) but she wants to know how Jehovah's Witnesses view the Bible. She gave us her phone number and we gave ours...
4. A man in harley davidson jacket joked at us: "I wonder what God would do to us if we dont pay our taxes, as its month again to pay taxes in France? What do you think?" Michel got his idea that he was talking about Mitterand, as joked as a God of France in one of the newspaper, lol! We just laugh him off and he said bye bye.
What can we do with people like that ey?
Thats all for today, keep visiting, there will be more...
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